Wednesday, November 18, 2009 at 9:33AM

The last time I posted I mentioned that I would try to squeeze what I could out of India in the few rest-days I had there. I am now in Melbourne (am I getting annoying yet?). Clearly I have some catching up to do with the blog and so I will endeavour to unravel my thoughts before they become a blur. To do this I have just bought myself an Asus netbook. We are still only acquainting ourselves but it was a necessary purchase as the iPod Touch keyboard is too cumbersome to post anything significant without a load of typos and it doesn’t handle the photo side of things at all due to the lack of a desktop. The www cafes are fine but each has its own peculiarities. In addition I am restricted to gathering my thoughts when there as opposed to mulling over them as I am wont to do in my own time. There is only so many times I can rue not taking my macbook to save on weight, the netbook is the best compromise.

While Asian internet cafes are a flop, the flip to having a real connection is that it costs more (30c for an hour in India vs. A$5). Of course, this may prove to be the best way to explore the strong cafe scene in Melbourne as I can get free wifi in some cafes and even in McDonalds for the price of a coffee. Not being a coffee drinker I will have to sample the cakes ... suits me just fine. So, the netbook will pay for itself in terms of what I save on internet charges elsewhere and if I go to McDonalds it effectively means that I ‘get my shakes for free’! So, I will tip my hat to Jeff Buckley, my long-time iPod companion, and call these my ‘cafe-days’.

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