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Just walk away ...

I am just back from Pokhara and have lots to write about. However, I have just endured two power-cuts and despite my best efforts of saving my work I must have been offline as I was writing and so have not successfully saved the last hour of work to the site.

Obviously frustrating but such is life in Nepal. Power-cuts occur every night here. As Nepal is such a poor country they part pay for their obligations to India with power. While they are cash poor they have plenty of hydro power. A result of having the widest band of altitude of any country on the planet; Mount Everest reaches 8848ms and the relatively nearby Terai plains bordering India are only 100ms above sea-level. The result is that power-cuts can occur for up to six hours at times but unfortunately there is no temporary back-up as the accommodation I'm in switches from mains to the generator and back again. I do miss my mac! Just walk away Mark ....

I had to return from Pokhara a day earlier than planned as the Chinese embassy insisted on seeing my physical passport for my visa to Tibet. Typically a photocopy suffices but they must have sussed out my Tibetan sympathies already. The Chinese have more powers than we think!

Will get back online again tomorrow. I have posted a few photos of Pokhara, a lakeside resort which people use as a starting point for trekking the highly regarded Annapurna circuit.

Mind how you go,


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