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Learning English

Every so often a light of understanding flashes in my brain with regards to terms or words we commonly use in the English language. Often I might use such a term without realising it's true origin or meaning. For example; 'that place we stayed in last night was such a shit-hole'. Of course, I understood what people meant when they said it but I thought they were just being crude.

Having now been confronted by the darkness, drab decor and smell of said shit-hole, the pennies (or should that be poopies) have finally dropped. I'm all in favour of squatting, it's far more effective way of going about one's business but would somebody please explain to me what I am supposed to do with that jug and bucket? In this part of the world one does not wish for a room with an en-suite!

Now that I am enlightened, I am a little worried about what people mean when they say they 'slummed it' or that they stayed in a 'dump' ... please God let them not be referring to India.

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