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Thunderbirds are GO!

I'm so exhausted ... too exhausted to even string two abbrvtd wrds together on sms whatever about on this blog.

Simply, thanks for all the support I have received and thanks to everybody who managed to come out for a fun night on Friday. It was great to see you all. There are some people I would have liked to have gotten a chance to see before I headed off but unfortunately things have been frantic and so I have missed them. I'm always good for a long email so hopefully I'll make up for it as I go round. I should also mention that there was a little technical problem with my mark@thebionicdude.com email address for 36hrs after we moved from the construction site to the lovely virtual turnkey development that I now reside in. I acknowledged all emails I received so if I did not acknowledge your email I'm really sorry but I did not receive it. Such is life without technical support at work to solve all my problems etc. Some emails did flow through but others didn't which proves that limbo still exists no matter what the Catholic Church might say.

Ok, I'm off to catch the plane to London ... I'm so tired I'm just looking forward to crashing ... oops, I meant crashing as in sleeping.  Talk soon.

zzzzZZZZZZZ ....

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