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The Final Swing on the Vine to Salta

One of the most satisfying aspects about touring through the Andes is that the scenery changes pretty much everyday. This makes for quite a sensory change from the training spin, which always tends to be loops or out-and-backs close to the familiar territory of home. The run-in to Salta would be a remarkable spin made unusual by the fact that even though I had mountains all around me that the road never actually rose or dipped too much. Unfortunately the powerful down-drafts made cycling the wind-tunnel of the valley quite slow-going, however, the change in scenery made for plenty of breaks for photo-stops. These images tell the story of my journey through the rock-formations of the Calchaqui Valley (Quebrada las Conchas) better than words. It was a 225km ride from Cafayate to Salta punctuated only by an over-night camp on the local football pitch in La Vina.

vineyard outside of Cafayatethe burnt sands of el Alamored clay now ... lots of rock formations for the next 50klocal politician 'up the pole'

hmmm ... limestone rock faces nowThe long-distance trucker ... I know how he feels'a river runs through it''down in the valley'el Dique Cabra Corral near town of Coronel Moldestobacco plantation - cultivation usually means civilisation is nearcivilisation at last ... the city of Salta

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