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Gone racing ....

... right, I'll be at the races until the 29th. The first stage starts today in Dunboyne and finishes 148kms later in Portumna.

I need to stay as rested as possible during the week but I do hope to blog the gist of each day if I can. If I don't have the energy or the www access then please read between the lines of the results. The official race website is www.anpostras.com and all the news, results and photos will appear on www.irishcycling.com. I think Shane Stokes will be back from working on the Giro d'Italia to run the live text reporting on the irishcycling.com website. I do not plan to put my nose into the breeze in this race so I'd be very surprised to see my name ever mentioned as I'll pay for any acts of bravado. It is also possible that RTE will have a highlights show one night and that there will be brief footage of each stage in the sports bulletin of the daily news. Despite all my hair you'll likely miss me as I plan to be tucked safely into the obscurity of the bunch.

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy the race.

mind how you go


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